TLT Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in the Lewis County Traumatic Loss Team (formerly known as the Community Crisis Response Team). The Traumatic Loss Team is a group of volunteers who are trained to support families, schools, organizations, communities, etc. after a sudden or traumatic loss. Often this support is provided through a facilitated debriefing session with the loss survivors. 

Please complete the application below so we can learn a little bit more about you and your interest in providing postvention support to Lewis County residents. 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Have you lost someone to suicide? *
If so,  how long ago? (amount of time)
If so, what was your relationship? (Friend, Partner, Parent, Sibling, etc.)
Have you previously received any of the following gatekeeper trainings?
Are you available to Volunteer at least ___ hours per month?
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What is your age?
What Volunteer Position interests you? *
How did you hear about the Lewis County Traumatic Loss Team? *
Would you like to share any additional information about yourself?
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