Attending Delegation Meeting
If sentencing and prison reform matters to you and you'd like to see the laws surrounding them change in Florida, it's time to get out to a Delegation Meeting!  This is a way to have your voice heard by several legislators at once.  It's also a good opportunity to build a rapport with your Senator and House Representative.  Please help us all help one another by letting us know which meeting you will be at and your topic so that we can try to have someone at every meeting speaking on a different area of sentencing and prison reform.
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What date is the delegation meeting that you will be attending?
Which city will you be attending the meeting at?
Did you email in your speaker request form or do you need help with this?
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What topic will you be speaking on?
Would you like someone from Florida Cares to contact you to help you with speech facts or go over your speech? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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