BlendKit2017 Week01 Webinar: Participant Input
Whether you are participating in a BlendKit2017 webinar in real time or after-the-fact, we would like to make sure that we give every opportunity to get input from all members of our cohort. While viewing the webinar live or via recording, use this form to provide your input on polls, questions/comments for presenters, etc. After submission, a link to all participant responses will appear so that you can see what others think. We'll route questions/comments appropriately so that they can be acted upon.
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Poll 01: How much time do you plan to allot to the face-to-face portion of your blended learning course?
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Poll02: Which of the following course components do you plan to include in the face-to-face portion of your blended learning course?  (Select all that apply)
Poll03: Which of the following course components do you plan to include in the online portion of your blended learning course? (Select all that apply)
What questions do you have of our guest panelists?
We'll route these questions to them and distribute their responses once compiled.
What concerns or unanswered questions do you have at this point?
If you need a personal reply, please include your email address. Otherwise, we'll compile all of these responses and take general action as appropriate.
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