2024 OK Energy FC Absentee Tryout Notification
2024 OK Energy FC Tryout Notification for Players who won't be able to attend Tryouts
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Tryouts will be on June 1 - June 2.
Many players won't be able to attend tryouts due to previously scheduled events or special circumstances.   And we don't want to lose you.   So please use this form to notify us that you are interested in playing for OK Energy but won't be at Tryouts, and we'll make sure that you are accounted for.  (Go to okenergyfc.org for updated Tryout Locations and Schedule)  
Enter the Player's Name *
Enter the Player's Best Contact Number *
Player's Email Address *
Enter the Player's Birthdate *
Choose the 2024/25 Age Group the Player is tryout out for. *
Team Gender *
Enter Player's Previous Club and Team Name *
Which Dates will the Player not be able to attend? (Check all that apply)
I understand that completion of this form is just to notify the club of my player's absence from Tryouts and that by completing it does not guarantee an offer to join a team.  However, this will help the coaches and staff of OK Energy account for my player at the time of team formations.   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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