ICON/Dadpad Evaluation Form
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ICON and Dadpad have been introduced to West Sussex families through the West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership. We are keen to get your feedback, so please take just a couple of minutes to answer the following questions to help us understand how supportive you find these resources.

Have you heard of Dadpad and/or ICON? (Please select your answer)


How did you find out about ICON? (Please circle everyone that has shared this information with you)

How did you find out about Dadpad? (Please tick everyone that has shared this information with you)

Please tell us how you use ICON / Dadpad

Can you tell us what you have found most useful about Dadpad (Please select all that apply)

Can you tell us what you have found most useful about Dadpad (Please select all that apply)

Want to tell us something else here about Dadpad or ICON? Use the space below.

Other thoughts or comments
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