Big Ballot Bin ✨
Be the first to find out how you could get your hands on a Big Ballot Bin...

Have you seen our new Big Ballot Bin?*

Hubbub's most advanced bin yet features a solar-powered electronic to show how people are voting on a customisable 'this or that' question. 

It's time to pick your side...

The Big Ballot Bin was tested in Manchester and Southampton for our #PickYourSide litter trial campaign in collaboration with KFC. As well as causing a splash online, independent litter surveying by Ellipsis Earth showed that the bins also reduced food and drinks litter within a 20m radius by 60% and 70% respectively. 

Want to find out more? 

Fill out this quick 2 min survey and we'll keep you in the loop.

Read more about the campaign

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*In all it's glory...
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How did you hear about the Big Ballot Bin? *
Had you already seen/heard about our original Ballot Bin voting ashtray? *
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Would you be interested in the Big Ballot Bin as a product? 

We will be reviewing the results of the trial and exploring selling the Big Ballot Bin as a new product.
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Drop your email here so we can stay in touch.

We will only be in touch with key updates relevant to your interest in the Big Ballot Bin - we won't send you spam.
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