OP Correction request
This form is used to track incorrect data in the Drachenwald Order of Precedence. Information added here will be used to update op.drachenwald.sca.org.

Please give us your email address in the field below so that we can contact you if questions arise.
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Correo *
How to get your heraldic device added to the OP:

Send an email to posthorn@drachenwald.sca.org with your device attached:

1) File size must be 177x212 pixels.
2) File format should be PNG (or SVG).
3) The file should have a transparent background.
4) Include a link to your OP entry in the email.
5) An heraldic blazon (the text description) MUST be written in the email.

- The image of your device should ONLY be of your device.

- Do NOT send the complete submission file from when you registered your device. 
  Posthorn cannot extract the device image from the submission form.

- Do NOT send a photograph of your device. 
  Posthorn will not create a digital version of your device.
Whose information is incorrect? *
What is their SCA name? (or "general feedback")
OP link
What needs to be changed/added? *
In order for Posthorn to be able to implement this correction, please DO NOT simply write "this is wrong". Please do write what is wrong and what it should be replaced with :)

If you are reporting a missing award and you have a scroll, write below that a picture of the scroll will be emailed. And don't forget to email it! :) (Send it to posthorn@drachenwald.sca.org)

If you do not have a scroll for your missing award, please write as much details as possible below (what event, what date, which crown, who was herald).  

Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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Este formulario se creó en SCA Kingdom of Drachenwald. Denunciar abuso