Randy Ward Clinic Registration 8/3-8/4
JC Eventing is thrilled to be hosting Randy Ward for a clinic on August 3rd and 4th, 2024! All levels welcome, groups available for flat/poles up through Training level (3'3") so there's something for everyone. Current Coggins, signed release form, and payment is due at the time of registration for your spot to be held. Registration is nonrefundable unless your spot can be filled from the waiting list. 
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Rider Name  *
Horse Name  *
Clinic Level *
Please select which day(s) you prefer. Priority given to those riding both days.  *
Please list what you would like to do each day (i.e - flat, sj, xc) *
Rider Experience *
Horse Experience  *
Current email address and phone number (schedule and important info will be sent via email, please make sure your email is correct) *
Schedule Requests (let us know if you'd like to ride with someone or if you have a preference for time of day, we will do our best to accommodate requests) *
Payment due at the time of registration, spot will not be held unless payment is received. Payment can be made via Venmo at Jamie-Carleton-1 or a check made out to JC Eventing can be mailed to 420 Barberry Road, North Haven, CT, 06473.

Please email a Coggins dated with 12 months and a signed JC Eventing Hold Harmless form to jceventingllc@gmail.com.

Clinic entries are nonrefundable unless your spot can be filled from the waitlist. 
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