Please select which day(s) you prefer. Priority given to those riding both days. *
Please list what you would like to do each day (i.e - flat, sj, xc) *
Your answer
Rider Experience *
Your answer
Horse Experience *
Your answer
Current email address and phone number (schedule and important info will be sent via email, please make sure your email is correct) *
Your answer
Schedule Requests (let us know if you'd like to ride with someone or if you have a preference for time of day, we will do our best to accommodate requests) *
Your answer
Payment due at the time of registration, spot will not be held unless payment is received. Payment can be made via Venmo at Jamie-Carleton-1 or a check made out to JC Eventing can be mailed to 420 Barberry Road, North Haven, CT, 06473.
Please email a Coggins dated with 12 months and a signed JC Eventing Hold Harmless form to
Clinic entries are nonrefundable unless your spot can be filled from the waitlist.