2023-2024  Student Busing Registration  

Below is the link to the Preliminary bus stops and routes for the 2023-2024 school year.
2023-2024 Bus Route Map

All families, new and returning, including those who used the DaVinci Academy buses in the 22-23 school year must complete a 2023-2024 Busing Registration Form to guarantee transportation for the first day of school. For final routes to be calculated based on the number of students using each bus stop, all families who will be using busing will need to have the Bus Registration Form submitted. PLEASE COMPLETE BY JUNE 30  Contracts received after July 1, 2023, will be assessed a $25.00 per student late fee and transportation will not be guaranteed for the first day of school.

Final routes with bus stop times will be published August 1. Additional changes to routes after this date will be made only for safety concerns, concerns from the entity that owns the property on which the bus stop is located, or if families discontinue using a stop. ONE FORM PER STUDENT MUST BE COMPLETED 

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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
23-24 Student Grade *
For safety reasons no child will be left at a bus stop if a parent/caregiver is not there; nor is a child allowed to walk home from the stop unsupervised without permission. Please note below whether you give that permission. *
Primary morning stop
Primary afternoon stop
My child resides in two different households, and will need an alternate pick location.
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