BUILD PODER Workshop - Team Science
The Center for Research, Excellence and Diversity in Team Science (CREDITS) is an integrated research and training program to increase and enhance Team Science (TS) and collective intelligence capacity, effectiveness, and excellence in California. Diversity on teams is known to have positive effects on creativity, innovation, and productivity. Apart from its contribution to scientific breakthroughs and grand challenge problems, TS has beneficial impacts on individual research careers. Diverse TS projects garner more funding, and yield greater publication productivity, and higher impact publications.

Please visit their website for more information:

Workshop: Forming and Managing Effective Research Teams: Strategies for Team Science Success
Facilitator: Center for Research, Excellence, and Diversity in Team Science (CREDITS)
Date: Wednesday, October 28th
Time: 12PM - 2PM

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 843 5496 8188
Passcode: 254772
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