2025 Instructor Appreciation Night Nomination Form
There are over 300 instructors in the Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta, many of whom are celebrated for their groundbreaking research. However, their dedication to undergraduate teaching is rarely recognized. If a particular professor or teaching assistant has personally impacted you, we want to know so we can recognize them at our annual Instructor Appreciation Night. Nominations will be collected and evaluated by our Academic Advocacy Team and the winners will receive an award at the event in celebration of their hard work and dedication to teaching  excellence. 

*Student nominators of award recipients will be invited to attend IAN. 

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Your first and last name *
The instructor will not be notified of the student that nominated them, unless the student wishes to give an in-person speech at the event.
Do you want your nomination to remain anonymous? (In the case a nominated instructor asks who nominated them) *
Email *
We require your email to invite you to Instructor Appreciation Night.
I want to do an in-person presentation of the award to my nominated structor if they win. (Can prepare a brief speech to introduce award winning instructor) 
How did you hear about Instructor Appreciation Night?  
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