Pre-test questionnaire
Pre-test questionnaire for session 2: Microbiological aspects

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Norovirus can be transmitted:
1 point
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It’s less risky to eat bivalve molluscs well cooked:
1 point
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Toxoplasmosis is only transmitted by cats:
1 point
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When a pregnant woman is infected with Toxoplasma gondii, it can pass through the placenta and infect the foetus:
1 point
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To protect against toxoplasmosis (several possible answers):
1 point
The main source of Campylobacter is poultry:
1 point
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In case of campylobacteriosis:
1 point
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To avoid Campylobacter it is recommended to wash the raw chicken in the sink before cooking it:
1 point
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Eggs from backyard hens are less at risk of being contaminated with Salmonella enterica than eggs from commercial hens:
1 point
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Sinking eggs are safe to eat (no Salmonella):
1 point
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Listeria monocytogenes can be found (several possible answers):
1 point
Listeria monocytogenes can multiply at 4°C:
1 point
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Listeriosis is always benign:
1 point
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Once cooked, pasta and rice can be kept at room temperature all day long:
1 point
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E. coli producing shigatoxins (STEC) can cause a very severe disease called Haemolytic-Uremic-Syndrome (HUS). HUS mainly affects:
1 point
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Consumers can be infected by STEC by eating (several possible answers):
1 point
In case of STEC infection anti-diarrheic treatment is recommended:
1 point
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Food spoilage can be caused by (several possible answers):
1 point
Generally spoiled food is not dangerous. Nevertheless, it should not be eaten:
1 point
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Microbes in food are always harmful:
1 point
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Lactic acid bacteria are used to make (several possible answers):
1 point
What are the benefits of fermentation (several possible answers):
1 point
Do you usually feel comfortable teaching the microbiological aspects of Food hygiene?
Not at all
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