Alumni Association Board Member Application
The Western Alumni Association fosters a relationship with alumni, building a sense of pride in their alma mater and a commitment to the work of the college.  Alumni are invaluable to the College as they promote the recruitment of prospective students, hire our graduates, are valued program resources, advocate for technical education, are role models in our communities, and provide financial support for scholarships, programs, and other college needs.

The Western Alumni Board, in collaboration with the Alumni Office, provides direction for the Alumni Association, facilitating strong affiliations among alumni, students, staff, and community.  The board members serve as leaders and role models for other alumni, ensure the mission of the Association is maintained, advise the College when requested, are liaisons between the College and its alumni, and serve as ambassadors in their communities.

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Email *
Full Name *
Home Address *
Primary Phone Number *
Email *
Current place of employment *
What year did you graduate Western?
What program did you graduate from?
Please tell us why you are interested in joining the Western Technical College Alumni Association Board. *
Please tell us why Western Technical College is important to you. *
Please list any current or former community involvement, awards, honors, etc. (i.e. volunteering, coaching, fundraising, other committees, etc.): *
What excites you the most about the opportunity to serve on the Western Alumni Board?: *
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