Spurwink Positive Approach to Care Training Registration
WHEN: September 11th -or- 19th
TIME: 10am-3pm
WHERE: Spurwink 901 Washington Avenue, Suite 100, Portland, ME 04103
Contact us at (207) 871-1200 or Teeparegistration@spurwink.org

In partnership with MaineHealth, Spurwink is hosting a training to expand memory care skills with Positive Physical Approach™ & Hand under Hand ®. This workshop helps learners understand how to adapt our interactions when the other person’s brain is changing. This workshop will include explanations of how the brain is changing when someone is living with dementia and what care partners can do to be supportive. 
Learners will practice the use of Positive Physical Approach™ (PPA) and Hand-under-Hand®, developed by Teepa Snow. Both techniques are based in building relationships and doing with people instead of to people.
TRAINERS: Kathy Manson & Karen Szalajeski
Kathy and Karen are Positive Approach to Care Certified Independent Trainers with a passion for changing the culture of memory care. 

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