Application for project listing on
Applications are usually processed within 96 hours of submission. All submitted information is for our eyes only, unless specified otherwise - look for "This is public information that will be displayed to the users." If there is any information pertaining to a public-marked field that you would like to keep private - add it in the last "comments" section instead.
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Contact email address *
Double-check it. Make sure this is a stable, reachable address. Please check your spam folder(s) if you don't seem to receive a reply after a few days. This will be the primary email address that representatives will use to reach out to the project team.
Email address of your account
Leave blank if it is the same as your contact email address
Your mobile phone number (international format)
Security code *
Create a 6-digit code that Exdigis representatives will use to verify themselves when reaching out to your team. Must not start with a zero.
Your name *
Telegram ID
Discord ID
Linkedin personal page
Project name *
Desired ticker (must not already exist on *
Desired extra trading pair(s), on top of the <ticker>/USDT mandatory pair.
Project website *
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Detail any past, current or planned use cases for your asset
Examples: online gaming currency, investment, startup company funding...
Blockchain type *
Smart contract address (ERC20 only)
If the asset is a token, what is the underlying blockchain ?
Clear selection
Consensus mechanism *
If the consensus mechanism is PoW, explain the algorithm(s), hardware and/or software used for mining, current mining efforts to secure the blockchain - number of miners, hashrate, pools and so on.
If the consensus mechanism is PoW or PoS, detail past, current and future efforts to prevent double-spending. Detail past security incidents, including but not limited to double-spending, if any. If there were such incidents, detail efforts made to mitigate and/or revert consequences as well as the results of these efforts.
Are there any "wrapped" versions of your asset, such as WBTC or WETH? Detail blockchains, contract addresses if applicable.
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Asset decimals *
Logo URL
Blockchain explorer URL *
For ERC20 tokens, a link to your token's page on an established public explorer such as is accepted. This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Github repository address
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
If your codebase is a fork of another project, supply information about the original project with as much detail as possible about the changes made, as well as links to the original project's codebase, website and social media. Explain why you chose to fork that particular codebase.
Other projects by the team
Give as much detail as possible on other past, current or future projects of the team as a whole and/or specific members of the team, including eventual links to the resources involved (Github, social media, etc...) Specify budgets associated, listing on trading platforms (if applicable). announcement URL
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Linkedin project/company page
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Telegram group/channel
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Discord server invite link
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Twitter address
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Other social media links
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Has your asset been integrated in any kind of mobile or desktop software (e.g.: wallets, desktop trading software, etc...). Are there any future integration plans?
What other online trading services has your project been or going to be listed on? Include services that your project has been delisted from, as well as the reasons for the delisting, if applicable.
Add URLs, approximate time of listing and current or past daily volume if applicable
Is your asset listed on any DEX? Provide links, times of listing and approximate daily volumes. Include past, current and future listings, when applicable.
Links to your project on other crypto-related resources, etc... This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
What past, current or future listing applications involve your project? Detail the resources you've applied or plan on applying to, budgets associated with it as well as the outcomes of the applications.
Smart contract/Protocol auditing company
Total asset supply *
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Circulating asset supply *
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Expected coin market price in USDT
When, approximately, would you like the trading of your asset to begin on *
Would you like to start the trading by an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) period, when noone but you will be able to place sell orders? If yes, how long should this period last for? What quantity of your asset do you plan on putting on sale during this period, and at what price (in USDT)?
Do you plan on providing market-making for your asset's trading pair(s). If so, please provide as much detail as possible. If you are already providing market-making (for any asset) on other trading services, please explain in detail.
When has your project become public? *
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
What marketing efforts has been made for the promotion of your project, what were the results, and what further marketing efforts are you planning on making? Please detail the efforts as well as costs and benefits that have been or will be associated with them.
Distribution of the asset (team, marketing, ICO, etc..) *
Detail major holders of the asset, explaning sources (e.g.: premine, ...), purposes and eventual restrictions such as time-lock.
Link to the asset's rich-list. Provide additional explanation if the owners of the wallets are not immediately obvious on that list.
Can your asset be mined, staked or otherwise obtained through means other than trading (e.g.: masternode rewards)? Detail those means if any.
Introduction of the project (a few sentences) *
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Link to the project's whitepaper
This is public information that will be displayed to the users.
Enter any comments you would like to add
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