Registration for In-person Meeting for Worship at FMW, 2022
Welcome!  Please register for each date of in-person meeting for worship.  This allows us to inform you if an active case of Covid is identified.  We will ADD worship dates every month, so you can go back in and update your entry with new dates when you and your family expect to attend meeting for Worship.  

IMPORTANT: By filling out this form, you agree to follow our current guidelines:
- You'll wear a mask, indoors or out.  
- You will make every effort to social distance from non-household members.
- If you feel ill, you won't attend in person.  
- Please arrive before 10:30 am!
- Should you forget your mask, there will be some disposable ones available on the lobby table.  

These guidelines may change over time to align with the best information available.  
Should it become necessary, we will use the information you provide here for contact tracing.

Please indicate the number of people in your household who will be planning to attend and the dates you plan to come.  (You can go back and correct or update this information later.)
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
I would like to worship.... *
How many people in your household will attend (able to sit closer together)? *
I/we plan to attend on these dates.  (You can return and edit your response, change or add dates, later.) *
Would you be willing to volunteer to help make sure Meeting for Worship can happen safely?
We need 2-3 Greeters who will arrive a bit early (10:15), check folks off the list as they come in, assure everyone is wearing a mask and knows where to go, and who will make sure everyone is out at the end.  We also need 3 people each week willing to be head of each outdoor (It's an easy job.  There are notes.  You can do both.)
I would be willing to serve as a volunteer "greeter" and/or sit at head of one of the outdoor Meetings for Worship.
If too many people sign up for in-person Meeting, I'm happy to step back and attend virtually.
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