Enhancement and Sustainable Engagement Grant Application
Thank you for applying to join our  Enhancement and Sustainable Engagement Grant!  This opportunity is designed to offer  support for outreach to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and other People of Color) girls* from marginalized communities and incorporate Techbridge Girls' trained volunteers in your event.

Please complete the information below to let Techbridge Girls know more about you and your planned event. This information does not guarantee that funds will be provided but helps Techbridge Girls' staff make an informed decision about how to allocate resources. Please send questions to Partnerships@techbridgegirls.org.  

*Including cis girls, trans youth, gender non-conforming and/or non-binary youth who experience(d) girlhood as a part of their journey.
Email *
Event Lead Name (Point of Contact) *
Event Lead (Point of Contact) Email *
Event Lead (Point of Contact) Phone
Event Name *
Event Date *
Are you planning your event to be: *
What type of event are you planning? *
Event Location (City, State) *
Event Affiliation, if any ( e.g. University, college, company, etc.)
Please list  any additional partners with whom you co-coordinate this event. If you have no other partners, please indicate "none". *
Is your event supported by a 501c(3) or a LLC? *
Name of 501 (3) or LLC entity and EIN # *
Does your event carry liability insurance? *
Name of Insurance Carrier and Member # *
If awarded funds you agree to: (check all that apply) *
Approximate number of girls* to be served this year? *
Approximate % of girls* from low-income communities served historically? *
Anticipated % of girls* from low-income communities served this year? *
Approximate % of BIPOC girls* served historically? *
Anticipated % of BIPOC girls* served this year? *
Projected Event Budget? *
Amount requested? Up to $5,000. *
Please list additional sources of funding. *
Do you use paid staff or volunteers for your event? (Check all that apply) *
If you use volunteers, how many are needed for your event? *
How do you screen your volunteers? Training? *
Narrative: Please provide information about your organization, its history, and how you will use the funding to support/ increase your outreach to BIPOC girls* from marginalized communities through a STEM event. (3000 words maximum) *
Please describe, in detail the event you plan to coordinate. Include date, location, time, venue, nature of STEM information provided, partnerships, demographics of girls, background of volunteers, and key staff, etc. *
How will you evaluate your success in enhancing the quality of your event? What outcomes have you achieved with this event in the past, if you have done this before? *

How will you evaluate your success in increasing the sustainability of STEM impact by marketing, partnering, or hosting additional STEM events for girls who will attend your conference/event? What outcomes have you achieved with this event in the past, if you have done this before?

How will you evaluate your success in increasing engagement with BIPOC girls from
marginalized communities? What outcomes have you achieved with this event in the past, if you have done this before? 
Are there specific challenges your event faces in outreaching to and engaging primarily BIPOC girls* from marginalized communities? *
If you identified specific challenges above, how can Techbridge Girls help you tackle these? *
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this application. If you have additional questions or need to make changes after submitting this application, please contact partners@techbridgegirls.org
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