Midwest Travel Network FAM Interest Form
Every now and then we partner with destinations and attractions on FAM trips. By filling out this form, you are indicating that we may email you about upcoming FAM trip opportunities. 
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Name *
Email address *
Blog Name *
If published in other outlets, please let us know
FB business page *
IG business page *
Twitter business page
TikTok business link
Blog website url *
Do you typically travel with family, animals? Please let us know who and how many. If so, please advise if willing to travel solo *
What city, state do you call home?  *
Preferred distance to travel for a FAM trip *
Prefer Group or Solo Travel *
Topics you enjoy covering (choose all that apply) *
Please list any allergies or anything else ourselves or destination partners should be aware of  *
Are there any things you will not or would not be able to do on a FAM trip
What questions/concerns do you have about FAM trips, general or otherwise?  *
Do you agree by applying for a FAM trip that this indicates that you will post about the destination on your social channels as well as publish at least one post on at least one outlet.  *
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