LifeFabs Membership Application 

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member at the LifeFabs Community Research + Biofab Space!

Studio research members receive access to Lifefabs facility, equipment and basic training from 
our team, where you're able to work towards a personal research project or a community group project.

The projects that we prioritise and hope to promote in the space are oriented towards healthcare, biodesign, society and technology that have a wider positive impact outside of the studio.

Applications for membership are reviewed on a rolling basis - after receiving your responses, one of our team will reach out to schedule a meeting and lab walk through. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
First and last name
Preferred Pronouns
Phone number *
Briefly tell us why you are interested in joining the research community at LifeFabs and if you have any special skills that you would like to share.
How did you hear about LifeFabs? *
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