The purpose of this project is to document the financial journey of each participant uterus.  Your responses to the questions below will be used to determine how much money has been invested in maintaining the participant's uterus.  No one outside of the project organizer will have access to the participants responses. 
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1. First Name or Initial
3. I would like to remain anonymous.
2. Last Name or Initial
4. How old are you today?
5. How old were you when you started your period?
6. What did you take to control uterine pain/cramps? Please select all that apply.
7. Which period product(s) did/do you use?   Please select all that apply.
8. How old were you when you started using birth control?
9. What type of Birth Control did/do you use?   Please select all that apply.
10. Do have children?
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11. If yes, How many ?
12. How were your child(ren) delivered? 
13. How many vaginal deliveries?
14. How many C-section deliveries?
15. Where did you deliver your child(ren)?
16. In what state(s) was your child(ren) born?
17. Have you undergone a hysterectomy?
18. If, Yes, How old were you?
19. Have you been treated for any of the following? Please select all that apply.
20. Have you ever had a miscarriage?
21. If yes, How many?
22. Have you ever had a Dilation and Curettage (D&C)?
23. If yes, How many?
23. Have you ever had an Abortion?
24. If yes, How many?
24. Have you ever undergone In Vitro Fertilization(IVF)?
25. If yes, How many times?
26. Are you receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy?
27. What type of Hormone Replacement Therapy  did you receive?(Select all that apply)
28. If yes, How old were you when you began treatment?
29. Would you like to receive the results of your uterine financial journey?
30. If yes, please provide your e-mail address.
Please feel free to share any emotional or traumatic costs or experiences associated with having a uterus. Examples: Having a diagnosis of PCOS and growing facial hair and that stigma or not going to doctors at all because of how little care there is towards people with uteruses in the medical field.
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