Let's collect signatures at the polls!
Thank you for helping to collect signatures for the Florida Right to Clean Water citizens' initiative!  With everyone doing something, the potential scale of this could really move us all toward the goal of 900k signatures by the end of 2025.

We want to make sure you have everything you need, to include training, blank petitions, and guidance on how to support this nonpartisan grassroots effort during the General Election -- November 5th, with early voting October 26th through November 2nd.  Note:  Some counties may have additional early voting dates, as well (many starting on October 21st) -- Click here to check!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joe, at joseph.bonasia@outlook.com, or Mel at admin@floridarighttocleanwater.org. 

SHARE THIS SIGN-UP FORM!  The more help we can find, the greater we can scale results up across the state!  Imagine what we can do if everyone who cared about clean water helped in some way.  Again, thank you for making a meaningful difference.  We look forward to working with you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your first and last name
Your county
Your phone number 
Signing up as
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If you're signing up as an organization, what is the organization's name?  (We want to acknowledge and thank you publicly.)
If you're signing up as a group or organization, will you ensure each volunteer receives training (reads the guidance sheet in the description and / or attends a training session)?
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What is the address of your local polling location?  (Click on the link if you're not sure.)  This info will be used to organize volunteer teams at the most "productive" polling locations, but we still want to make it convenient for you!
Which dates you can help cover for a few hours?  (Don't worry if you only have 1 or 2 hours to spare, or cross into another shift, we're just looking for general availability!)
7am - 10am
9am - 12pm
11am - 2pm
1pm - 4pm
3pm - 6pm
5pm - 7pm
Oct 26 (Sat)
Oct 27 (Sun)
Oct 28 (Mon)
Oct 29 (Tue)
Oct 30 (Wed)
Oct 31 (Thu)
Nov 1 (Fri)
Nov 2 (Sat)
Nov 5 (Tue)
How many signatures would you like to "go for" in this collection push at the polls?  (Consider bringing friends to help -- and to make it fun!)
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Would it be okay to thank you publicly online (on social media / email)?
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We'll get back with you as soon after we finalize the plan based on everyone's input.  In the meantime, please connect with your Local Lead who will connect you with any training, guidance, and materials you need.  THANK YOU for your support of this critical cause!  

Anything you'd like us to know at this time?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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