Far From The Rooftop of the World: Travels Among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents
Please join us for a conversation with author Amy Yee as we mark the release of Far From the Rooftop of the World: Travels Among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents with a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Introduced by Dr. Vivian Louie, this discussion will explore the ordinary but extraordinary Tibetans and stories of people navigating between worlds and multiple identities; and preserving culture even in exile and amid forced migration. This conversation will be moderated by Ken Roth, with reflections from Tsewang Rigzin, an exiled Tibetan and former deputy director of The Tibet Fund, Dharamshala, India.

This event will be co-sponsored by the Hunter College Asian American Studies Program & Center, Hunter College MFA Program, Hunter College Sociology Department, the Asian American Journalists Association, and the South Asian Journalists Association.

Please join us for enlightening conversation followed by a reception.

Monday, October 16

Roosevelt House
47-49 E 65th Street
Between Park and Madison Avenue

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