Coaches Club - Workforce Offers - Coaching , Leadership, Staff, CPD & Volunteering - 2024/5
See the form below for information, prices, booking specifics for workshops and training.

Hope to see you soon to help build a better more knowledgeable and adaptable workforce.

All delivery can take place in your venue with a time and date to suit.

Training is England Football Learning CPD or /  CiMSPA standard accredited aligned alongside delivery.
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Offer 1- Junior Football Leaders Award - 6 hours - Content Intro to Coaching, Refereeing, Leadership and Careers. 13/14/15/16 year olds. Attendees also have to complete 10 hours volunteering after the event. Minimum 10 - maximum 24 attendees.
Offer 2 - 1- Youth Sport Leaders Award -  6 hours - Content Intro to Coaching, Running events, Leadership and Careers. 14/15/ 16 year olds. Attendees also have to complete 10 hours volunteering after the event.   2- Future Leaders - Year 5/6 or 7/8 - 6 hours - Youth Voice and Leadership.   All ideally a minimum of 10 max 24. All can be delivered at your location.
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Offer 3 - Coaching Quals / Awards - 1)Coaching Multisport Award CIMSPA ALIGNED - must be 15+ or 2)1st4sport Multiskills Level 2 Award - Industry standard award - must be 17+ . Both Awards attendees must be actively volunteering / coaching.  *
Offer 4- Teacher / School CPD - We come to you to upskill staff in a few areas (Black Country Only) for wider area please contact us.
Offer 5- Coaching Activity Awards - 2 hours per award , certificated & delivered practically in a venue to suit your workforce.  Relevant for 14+ Age group/ minimum 6 - maximum 20 attendees. *
Offer 6- Insight &  Activity Knowledge-  Face to face  -  2 hours , workshop certificated. Relevant for 14+ Age group/ minimum 6 - maximum 20 attendees.
Offer 7- First Aid - Various offers - All delivered face to face
Offer 8- Mentoring or Quality assurance insitu visits with existing workforce/volunteers for feedback and good practice sharing. Themes and outcomes can be decided upon interest
Offer 9 - MHFA accredited Mental Health Courses (Mental Health England)
Offer 10 - 1st4Sport Gym Instruction Level 2 and Personal Training Level 3  
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For our specific football club coaching offers please see current document - 
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Many thanks and we look forward to talking to you about developing your leaders, staff, coaches and workforce in the future. Country Coaches Club.
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