NBRC interest inquiry - adult rower 2024
Welcome! Please tell us about your interest in rowing so we can get you set up to participate in the North Bay Rowing Club. (If you have a junior interested in rowing, please  fill out form HERE.)
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Age *
Preferred pronouns
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Please let us know your interests and experience (if any) below, and we'll email you with more information.

Those with no prior rowing experience typically start with private sculling lessons , which we offer year-round. We also offer a group learn-to-row (LTR) session each summer.

Those with prior sculling or sweep rowing experience -- whether prospective members or visitors to the area wishing to row as a guest -- are typically required to do a check-row with a coach before either rowing on their own or joining one of our teams.
How would you like to get involved? *
Prior rowing experience *
Answer the following questions only if you DO have prior rowing experience.
When did you last row?
Past rowing experience?
As noted above, s
ingle scullers are generally required to do a check-row with a coach before rowing on their own. 
Crew rowers (sculling or sweep) may be able to go out with a team on a Saturday or Sunday, depending on space availability and your experience (provided above).

When do you plan or hope to row?
Fees, membership requirements, and other information may be found on our website.
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