Oxygen Generators for India
The price for each generator is 2,500 NIS (shipment is included).

If you don't choose a specific person to send the generator to, we will send the generator to the Youth Feed India.

If there are any funds left after delivery, they will be used to purchase another oxygen generator to the Youth Feed India.

After the order is approved, the oxygen generator supplier will send you payment instructions.
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Do you want to donate for buying Oxigen Generators? (from 10 NIS )?
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For sending Oxygen Genrator to spcific person, please send 2,500 NIS to https://pb-idb-prod-web.payboxapp.com/?v=j&g=60914e44f8df5a0007ce05e9#/   and   Please provide full contact information of the person in India you wish to send the generator to (Full name, mobile phone of the recipient, accurate address in Indian format).
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