WCS iMovie Badge
Upon successful completion, you will receive a WCS digital badge and CEU's earned for your hard work.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
WCS Email *
School *
With what grade(s) did you use iMovie? *
If you are a member of the Central Office staff, tell us about how you used iMovie with teachers.
With what content area(s) did you use iMovie? *
If you are a member of the Central Office staff, tell us about how you used iMovie with teachers or staff.
How did you use iMovie with your students or staff? *
What instructional goals (or school-wide goals related to instruction) were you attempting to address by creating an iMovie for your students (or staff)? *
If you are a member of the Central Office staff, tell us about how you used iMovie. Focus on how video impacts students and staff.
How will you know if these goals have been met? *
If you are a member of the Central Office staff, tell us about how you used this resource with teachers. Focus on how using this resource had an impact on students/staff.
Show how you used knowledge iMovie in your classroom! Show off your creation! *
Submit evidence of learning (ex:  pictures, screenshots, twitter handle, video, podcast, music file). The MORE the BETTER!!  From your Google Drive place a link below to your evidence.
Describe at least two different ways that iMovie could be used in your classroom. *
Rate your experience with iMovie. *
Explain the rating you gave iMovie. *
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