Sign On: Letter to California State Legislature to Support Comprehensive Menstrual Education in California Schools.   
***DEADLINE: 10AM PST, March 21st****

As organizations committed to supporting menstrual health advocacy, we are writing to you as supporters of the Know Your Period Campaign, advocating for comprehensive menstrual education in California schools. 

It is disheartening that despite the fact that approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide menstruate monthly, there is no established curriculum in place to educate our youth about the menstrual cycle, its phases, effects, and impacts. The lack of education on this natural aspect of reproductive health perpetuates societal stigmas and taboos surrounding menstruation, leading to shame, embarrassment, and ultimately, poorer health outcomes. 

We firmly believe that it is time for California to take a proactive stance on this issue by requiring comprehensive menstrual education in schools. Students have lacked knowledge about the way their bodies naturally function for far too long, and it is crucial to address this educational gap. 

The proposed curriculum would provide students with age-appropriate information about: 

  • The menstrual cycle 

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pain management 

  • Menstrual irregularities 

  • Taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation 

  • And more!

Access to menstrual education is a basic right, and we urge you to support and champion this cause. We understand that Assemblymember Lori Wilson has shown her support for Know Your Period and has expressed an interest in introducing a bill requiring menstrual education in California schools this year. We implore you to join her in this effort. 

To make your support known, we encourage you to act swiftly and collaboratively with your colleagues to ensure that California takes a significant step forward in providing comprehensive menstrual education to its students. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. We trust that, with your support, we can make a positive impact on the lives of students across the state. 

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