AVID Elective Teacher Recommendation Form
Please complete this form for each student who requests it by March 8, 2024.  Thank you!
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Email *
Student Name: *
Grade for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Teacher Name & Subject/Grade taught:
I recommend this student as a candidate for WCA's AVID Elective.  I believe this student has the potential to succeed in his/her college or career goals and that the AVID Elective would assist him/her in these goals.  **Please type your initials below** *
Please rate the student on a scale of 0-5 on the following skills/traits.
5=Excellent; 4=Very Good; 3=Average; 2=Some Difficulty; 1=Not a Strength; 0=Not Observed
General behavior *
Organizational skills *
Turning work in on time *
Willing to accept support *
Ability to do honor's work with extra support *
School attendance *
Motivation/Individual Determination *
Writing skills *
Ability to work with other students *
Please provide specific comments or further information to recommend this student for the AVID Elective. *
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Thornhill (AVID Site Team Coordinator) or Mrs. Boyes (MS Counselor)
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