Friends of the Depot Membership Form
Your Exclusive Membership Benefits Include:

A membership card, 10% discounts for depot gift shop & commemorative brick purchases along with 10% off the rental fee for the depot rotunda room. A car decal, e-invitations to special events, contests & previews, advance notices & newsletters.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Address, City, State, Zip Code *
Home/Cell Phone *
Initial $20 Membership Fee *
Please click this link, Membership Payment ,it will take you to the option to pay with card. PLEASE CHOOSE ONE TIME PAYMENT OPTION BEFORE SUBMITTING. Once complete please type "Done" in the response box. If you would prefer to pay with Check please respond with "Check". Checks can be made out to the Hamlet Historic Depot, Inc. If you have any questions or concerns please refer to our contact information on the website.
Referral name *
Be sure to tell us which one of our awesome board members or volunteers helped you become our FRIEND  today! If you found us online, tell us if it was through Facebook or our website.
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