Franklin High School College Credit Plus                  Intent to Participate Form
This form is to be completed and submitted by April 1, 2024 in order to participate in CCP for the 2024-2025 school year. By electronically signing this form, you are agreeing that you have received information regarding the College Credit Plus Program and wish to inform Franklin High School of your intention of enrolling your student in a CCP class for the 24-25 school year. 
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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student ID Number  *
Student Grade during the 2024-2025 School Year *
Student Email  *
Parent Email *
Select all that apply:
I am interested in the following CCP classes...
If you are interested in taking classes off Franklin High School's campus - which college or university do you plan to enroll in?
Clear selection
I attended the ZOOM meeting on February 7, 2024 *
Are you a first time CCP student? If so, I understand that I will need to complete the application for the college/university I wish to enroll with and possibly take a placement test.  *This step is very important and is your responsibility!  *
We have attended the Zoom meeting and received counseling concerning the enrollment options available, the potential benefits to our student, potential risks and consequences that may face our student and to discuss the following program details:

1. Program eligibility
2. Conversion of college credits to high school credits
3. Financial obligation for failed classes
4. Available support
5. Graduation requirements
6. Scheduling conflicts
7. Curriculum differences
8. Academic and social responsibilities of students
9. College Counseling services
10. College credit plus pathways
11. Textbook usage

By signing electronically below I agree to the above requirements. 

I would like to declare my intent to participate in the college credit plus program.  I understand that electronically signing this form does not require that I participate during the coming schools year and I may decide not to participate without consequences.

I also understand it is my responsibility to notify my school if I do not gain admission to my selected institution of higher education or choose not to participate for some other reason.

I understand the rules and responsibilities I must abide by and assume in College Credit Plus and I hereby express my intent to participate in the program.  

Parent Signature:
Student Signature:  *
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