SD Shardda Sabhuri Seva
Thank you for your interest in joining Sharda - Saburi Seva.  Everyday sankalpam on archana & 4 Aartis for Baba for one year by donating $365 ($1 per day) or you can choose 2 year program for $730. Please provide your information and our seva coordinators will contact you. Prasadam will be sent to the home address provided below during Guru Purnima and Vijayadasami.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Telephone *
Email *
Address *
Provide Gothram / Nakshatram *
Family Details. (Please provide Relationship / Name / Nakshathram / Raasi)                                                            use one line for devotee.                                                                                                          Format example:  Wife /  Lakshmi /   Makha /   Simha                       *
Select Seva Duration *
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