Lent 2021 workshops
The church team in Trócaire is offering a series of online workshops throughout Lent 2021. Please sign up below to indicate which workshops you are interested in attending.  Each workshop will last for one hour and will explore an aspect of our overseas programmes in more detail, as well as our work in campaigning and awareness raising in parishes and communities.
* The first workshop on 16th February will explore the Lent 2021 resource, including a Gospel reflection
* The second workshop on 2nd March will explore Women's Empowerment through the SASA Faith! programme
* The third workshop on 16th March will explore Peace and Justice and how Trócaire's partners work for peace and justice in South Sudan
* The final workshop on 30th March will focus on the 'Never Waste a Crisis' documentary through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching.
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Please indicate below which workshop(s) you are interested in attending. *
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