A Call For 100% Clean Energy at Iowa State University
Iowa State University runs their power plant completely on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) - an unsustainable, inequitable energy source that only exacerbates the climate crisis - with no tangible plan or genuine effort towards a just transition to clean infrastructure. We will no longer allow ISU to dump carbon emissions into our environment for FREE, contaminating our air, and forcing us and other communities to pay the price with our health and the deterioration of our future. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Join us, Climate Reality Campus Corps at ISU, and use your voice to take control of your future today by signing this petition to tell ISU administration and the Iowa Board of regents that you want a clean, equitable future for all!

We ask that the university:

1) Stop the construction for the boiler transition anticipated to start January 2022 and use the $16 million already allotted for this transition toward a more equitable solution to cutting the university’s emissions and attaining 100% clean energy by 2030, such as a combination of solar, wind, and battery storage technologies.

2) Conduct a third-party analysis outlining a just transition to 100% clean energy by 2030, comparing the return on investment for renewables to that of a retrofitted cogeneration natural gas and oil system.

3) Commit to 100% clean energy by 2030 for ISU. This would inherently include dedicating the proper resources, funding/research, and emphasis towards finding a solution to any obstacle in the way of this clean transition.

4) Make a commitment to divest from all fossil fuel accounts.

It is the industry's and institution's RESPONSIBILITY to stop the damage they are doing to our climate and it is our right to hold them accountable! The burden of this crisis must not be placed on the individuals that are subjected to the conditions that these institutions inflict on them. Tell ISU to invest in our future instead of perpetuating an antiquated system. Due to past and current inaction from the university, we no longer have the luxury of waiting for the solution; we must innovate and create the solution with a sense of urgency like our lives depends on it, BECAUSE IT DOES! The time is NOW!

More in-depth information regarding the transition and the supporting facts of why natural gas pollution is not the solution can be found at the link available after signing this petition.
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Did you know we have meetings every Wednesday 7-8 pm in Pearson 2157? And Fridays for Future (#FFF) strikes every Friday 10:30-1? *
Climate Reality Campus Corps has a lot of exciting opportunities for climate action coming up this semester! May we use your contact information to let you know about these and other opportunities? *
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