Finding a Small Group
Hi There!

Thanks for showing interest in finding a small group at Hope Community Church. Our groups meet in various locations around the Twin Cities primarily Monday through Thursday evenings. Groups vary in size from roughly 10 people to 20. Our groups are combination of men and women, married and singles, students and non-students, and may include children. Most group are about 2 hours long with the first hour of the group devoted to community building and studying a passage from the Bible and the second half devoted to accountability time (sharing life together and praying for one another).

We would love to get you connected to a group that is the best fit for you! Because space in our small groups is limited, please take 90 seconds to fill out this form so we can begin the process of finding a small group for you. We'll contact you soon!

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First Name(s) *
Last Name(s) *
Email(s) *
Gender(s) *
Available Evenings (Select all that apply) *
What's your age? *
Are you a college student? *
If so, where and what year?
Children (Select all that apply) *
If you have children that you will bring to small group, how old are they?
Where do you live? *
Where are you willing to drive? (check all that apply) *
Hope Community Church has three locations: Downtown Minneapolis, Lowertown St. Paul, and Columbia Heights.  Which location will you primarily attend (in person or online)? *
At Hope we think community happens best when people are committed to attending their small group consistently. We understand that occasionally things come up that prevents people from attending groups regularly (vacation, emergencies, sickness). Will you be available and willing to attend small group on a weekly basis? *
Is there anything else we should know to help select a group for you?
Do you have any questions we can answer before connecting you to a group?
I understand that once I hit submit, a screen will pop up confirming my responses were received, and I will receive a confirmation email.   *
If not send an email to
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