NeuroAscend.AI Questions
Your insights are invaluable to us as we develop a mobile app to support Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. Thank you for participate!
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1) What is your relationship to the person with Alzheimer's disease?  
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2) How long have you been caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease
3) How often does your relative with Alzheimer's wander or get lost?
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4) Do you feel you have enough information about Alzheimer's disease?
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5) Where do you typically get information about Alzheimer's disease? (Select all that apply)
6) Do you experience difficulty managing your relative's behavior?  
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7)  What are some of the biggest challenges you face when caring for your loved one with Alzheimer's? (Select all that apply)  
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8)  Does your relative have any other health conditions besides Alzheimer's disease?  
9) Do you ever feel you have to limit your social activities because of your caregiving role?  
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10) Are you a member of any community or organization to support and share information with other Alzheimer's relatives?
11) Are you currently involved in any support groups or organizations for Alzheimer's caregivers?
12)  How do you communicate with healthcare professionals involved in the care of your loved one with Alzheimer's?  
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13)  How do you cope with the emotional challenges associated with caregiving for someone with Alzheimer's?
14)  Are there support systems or resources that you find particularly valuable for emotional well-being?
15)  How familiar are you with the overall costs associated with Alzheimer's care?
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16)  Thinking about the different expenses related to caring for your loved one, what are some of the biggest cost categories for you each month? (Select all that apply)
17)  Considering the potential cost of an Alzheimer's care app, what is your typical monthly budget for tools and resources that help you manage your loved one's care?
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18)  If a mobile application for Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers used AI to providing personalised rutin, help with managing medication schedules, tracking daily activities, and providing educational resources, would you consider using it for your relative and yourself?  
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19)  What features would be most helpful for you in a mobile app designed to support Alzheimer's care? (Select all that apply)
20)  What are your biggest challenges when caring for your loved one with Alzheimer's?
21)  Would you like to join our alpha test for a mobile app designed to support Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers?   If yes please write your email address. *
23) Please write the e-mail addresses of the people you think need this survey. (Optional)  
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