2026 Junction BIA Board Nomination Form

Please complete this form in full. Nomination forms must be submitted by 5:00 pm on June 1, 2026 to be considered.

For your nomination to be considered, you must be:

  • An owner or tenant of commercial or industrial property within the BIA (see here for a map of the BIA area); or a business owner of commercial or industrial property within the BIA; or an individual appointed by a corporation that is the owner or tenant of commercial or industrial property within the BIA;

  • Be at least 18 years of age;

  • Not be a child, parent, or spouse of—or in a marital relationship with—a Council member; and

  • Not be staff of the City, its agencies or corporations (or their subsidiaries).

Directors are elected at the BIA's 2026 Annual General Meeting ("AGM").

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Nominee's Name (First and Last) *
Nominee's Relationship to the BIA *
BIA Property Address (street number, street name, suite/unit, city, province, postal code) *
Business Name (if applicable) *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Provide a brief account (no more than 100 words) of your interest in serving on The Junction BIA Board of Management. *
Please address: Why you are interested in serving as a director on the Board; and what you would like the Board to achieve in the next four (4) years.
Provide a brief description (no more than 100 words) about yourself and what you would bring to The Junction BIA Board of Management. *
Please address: Any relevant qualifications, skills, or experiences that make you a good fit for the position; and any previous board or community involvement.
Are there any other unique skill sets or experiences of a particular value you would like to share?
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