Dawson County School Transportation Request/Change
Please complete this form if you are requesting transportation because you are new to Dawson county Schools or you are  wanting to begin riding the bus for the first time. If you have moved and you have submitted the new address documents to the school, you are asking to change transportation for your child. We are adding Bus pass cards for all students riding the bus. Once the request is completed, your student will get their card to begin riding the bus. Students are not allowed to ride home with friends. Request will be approved in 3-5 business days.
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Email *
I am requesting *
Parent / Guardian  Name and Contact Number *
Student's Name and Grade *
Home address, you will be notified where the bus stop will be located. *
If you have moved, old address
Which days will student be riding the bus? *
Do you have additional students for this request? *
Student's Name and Grade *
Which days will student be riding the bus?
Do you have additional students for this request?
Clear selection
Student's Name and Grade *
Which days will student be riding? *
Do you have additional Students for this request? *
Which days will student be riding?
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