2025 Garden Season - NEW Volunteer Interest
Hello! Thank you for expressing interest in potentially being a garden volunteer for the 2025 season. 
  • The gardening season kick-offs with a required virtual info session (tentatively scheduled Wed, March 26th 1:30-2:30pm), a group workday to get to know our gardens in later April (Arbor Day - Fri, April 25th at 9am-12pm), and then the season begins around mid-May (weather and other factors dependent). The season usually ends in October.

  • Work is "typical" garden efforts such as weeding, trimming, pruning, hauling brush, and sometimes plantings. Volunteers should be comfortable bending, standing, crouching, kneeling, and similar. Open to discussions on mobility requirements. You do not need to be available every week, but we appreciate a commitment to the program as much as possible. 

  • We aim to gather interested volunteer information to contact you in early March 2025 to move forward your interest and get you the required information for final training dates and other information needed. 

  • Please note, right now our garden program ONLY has availability on select weekdays (garden dependent) and shifts are 9am-12pm. However, for the 2025 season, we will be piloting a weekly Wednesday EVENING (5:30-7pm) garden team at the Arb Reader Center Garden - free parking in surrounding areas after 5pm! 
Questions prior to expressing interest? Email cmchess@umich.edu 

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Currently, our garden spaces are set to specific days which may impact the garden you can volunteer in. For the 2025 season here is our tentative schedule. 

Please select the day(s) you are available for this May-October gardening season...

A) Read more about each garden space by name at Matthaei Botanical Gardens here. 
B) You can learn more about the Arb Peony Garden here. 
C) The Arb Reader Center Garden here and we also wanted to add this about this garden space: Located at Washington Heights, this space is one of the primary entrances welcoming visitors to the Arb! Our staff have been working on plans to refresh this garden with a new design and will need help with planting, weeding, and general garden maintenance. This garden features both native and ornamental plants and has some areas of sloped terrain.
Yes, I understand the majority of garden opportunities are only on the weekdays and 9am-12pm. I can make this work for my May-October schedule. As a reminder, you do not have to be available every day or every week. We appreciate a commitment to the program as much as possible.  *
Do you have specific gardening skills, interests, or other things you would like to share with us? No experience is required!  *
If we did decide to offer any additional weekend or evening volunteer opportunities in this role, do you (in general) have availability and interest for that? *
How did you hear about this opportunity?  *
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