Campus-Wide Survey: Engagement Across Differences
You are receiving this survey because Lewis and Clark has been working since 2022 to support constructive engagement across differences through dialogue in and out of classrooms. Essential Partners has been supporting this work by training and coaching people across campus to facilitate dialogues in and out of the classroom.

After a couple of years of work, we're trying to understand the impact of dialogue in a few areas on campus. Regardless of whether you have been part of formal dialogues on campus or in your classes, we would be grateful if you could take about ten minutes to complete this survey before June 30. 

Note: only Essential Partners staff will see your individual survey responses. Essential Partners will share anonymized responses as themes with stakeholders on campus to share the impact to date and make shifts as needed to deepen the impact of this work on campus moving forward.
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Please select one response for each of the following statements about your experience at Lewis & Clark: *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
People on campus whose opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds differ from mine are also committed to helping our community thrive.
Leaders at Lewis & Clark are committed to working across differences using dialogic approaches.
I feel welcome and included at Lewis and Clark
I feel valued at Lewis and Clark.
I feel that others on this campus are willing to engage in conversations with those with whom they disagree
I expected to feel welcomed and included at Lewis and Clark when I arrived here
Over the 2023-2024 academic year, I have witnessed people on campus become better able to work together through challenges
I have been in situations where I saw value in the perspectives of others at Lewis & Clark who have different opinions, beliefs, and identities than me
Individuals at Lewis & Clark are able to work together through challenges
I feel included in decisions that impact me or my experience at Lewis and Clark
I feel that as a whole, people at Lewis and Clark share similar institutional values
I expect to be included in decisions that impact me or my experience at Lewis and Clark
I have the ability to engage in conversations with those who disagree with me
Using dialogic approaches and tools can lead to more positive outcomes when addressing disagreement or divisions on campus
In the 2023-2024 academic year, have you observed any positive changes in formerly negative communication patterns or interactions at Lewis and Clark? (Y/N)
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If you answered yes to the previous question, say more about the positive changes and how they feel different from formerly negative patterns or interactions.

On a scale from 1-4, where 1 is “least supportive” and 4 is “most supportive” where does Lewis and Clark fall in terms of:

Your sense of Lewis and Clark's openness to supporting productive communication across different opinions/beliefs/identities?
Your sense of Lewis and Clark’s support for engaging in difficult conversations?
Your sense of how much openness there is for expressing opinions that differ from the dominant opinion?
Clear selection

For the following tools of dialogue, select one option:

I’ve never heard of this
I’ve heard of this but haven't seen it on campus
I've seen this used once or twice on campus
I've seen this used frequently on campus
Objective, observable communication agreements in group discussions or dialogues
Timed speaking opportunities (e.g. each person has 1 minute to speak)
Using go-rounds where everyone has a chance to respond to a prompt
Connecting personally before discussing content
Opportunities to reflect before, during, and/or after conversations
Dialogue or discussion questions designed in advance
Have trained facilitators leading the conversation and bringing people back to agreements or purpose if needed
Use of images/ media/ movement to support reflection and connection
The articulation of a clear purpose for a conversation
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Do you know who to turn to if you need help having or facilitating a difficult conversation?
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If you responded yes to the question above, write-in the name or department of who you would turn to:
In the past year, have you:
Taken the initiative to work on a project with someone at Lewis and Clark with whom you disagree
Been part of a successful collaboration at Lewis and Clark who likely would not have worked well together in the past
Engaged with someone at Lewis and Clark who you previously avoided because you disagreed
Participated in a dialogue or conversation that allowed different voices to be heard where you connected with someone from another institution in your community?
Experienced someone at Lewis and Clark who holds different opinions, beliefs, or ideologies than you reach out to you for support or collaboration
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What is one conversation you wish you could have at Lewis and Clark that currently feels impossible? Why is that?
What is a conversation that feels possible now that felt impossible a year ago? Why is that?

We collect demographic data in order to better understand the impact of our work. The options below are closely aligned with the American Community Survey / U.S. Census Bureau. All questions are optional and all data is aggregated and/or reported anonymously.

What is your age?
Clear selection
What is your gender identity? 
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How do you generally lean politically?
Clear selection
What is your religious affiliation?
Clear selection
What are your campus affiliation(s)? (Select all that apply)
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Law School
Common Services / Institution-Wide
If you'd like to be entered into a raffle for a $50 Powell's gift card for participating in this survey, add your email below (Students only).
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