BETTYs Contact Info
Your info will NOT be shared outside Bettys Giving Back.

By filling out this form, you agree to be placed on the Bettys Giving Back email list, as this will be our primary means of communication.  You can always unsubscribe, but we hope you stay with us. :)
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First Name *
Last Name *
If you were known by a different last name in Blue Devils, e.g., maiden name,  please state it here.
Street address *
City *
State *
Zip or Postal Code *
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Telephone *
Do you use Facebook? *
If yes, state your name as listed on Facebook if different than the name listed above.
How do you prefer to be contacted?  Check all that apply. *
Please list your years and role (performer or staff) with the Blue Devils A Color Guard.  Example: 83-85 (p); 86 (s) *
Tell us about your superpowers (professional and otherwise) and how we might put them to good use. *
What other resources can you connect with Bettys Giving Back so we can more fully serve the BDPA and/or the color guard members specifically?
Would you be interested in serving on a committee? *
If yes or maybe, which committee(s) might be a good fit for you?
Check any and all areas where you may have strengths or interest. *
Feel free to add detail about any of the skills/interests marked above.
How much time, if any, can you dedicate to our project?
Anything else you'd like to add?
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