Log Bench & Party in the Park consultations
Please help us raise money by indicating here if you support these initiatives that Friends of Roseburn are planning for the park this summer. We always need to evidence demand and your feedback is crucial for our grant applications.
Questions? Please send email to friendsofroseburnmembership@gmail.com
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I would like to see more logbenches in Roseburn Park using mature trees that have been felled by the Council due to old age or tree disease *
If yes, which bench style do you like? Tick up to four *
Please list any other suggestions
Would you like to see a Park Party on Fri 3rd June for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee *
Will you be able to help out on the day for a few hours? *
Would you like to be on the Party planning group (full support will be available- it might take 1-2 hours once a fortnight between now and June, meeting on Zoom *
If helping out with the park party, please leave your email address
.. and your phone number
If you have volunteered for the Party planning group, are you free on the evening of Tuesday 12th April at 7pm for a 30-minute Zoom call?
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