AFM Board Member Application
The Athens Farmers Market (AFM) Executive Committee (EC) members are elected by the AFM membership during the annual spring meeting, the 2nd Thursday of March. Each community EC member serves a 1 year term, and is expected to attend monthly board meetings, typically at 1 pm on a Wednesday, and participate in additional collaborative and/or independent activities to support the Athens Farmers Market.  

EC members enjoy the benefits of contributing to the mission and vision of the organization and gaining professional experience while applying their own unique professional and lived experience in support of the AFM. The AFM EC provides guidance, support, oversight, and evaluation of the AFM. Each EC member brings their own skills, experience, and interests.  

The AFM strives to have an EC that helps us deepen our connection with the community we serve, ensuring sustainability and resilience of the AFM.  Monthly time commitments may vary according to season and specific interests of each EC member and the needs of the AFM, with a minimum of 2 hours per month.

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First name *
Last name *
Street address *
City *
State *
Zip code *
Preferred pronouns
Phone number *
Employer *
Business/profession *
Degrees/certifications *
What skills can you offer the AFM Executive Committee and Membership? (check all that apply) *
Please tell us why you want to serve the AFM and any personal interests (or other skills from above) you have that connect with the AFM's mission of serving its members and the public through education on the benefits to the community that result from supporting a locally based food economy and by providing a public market allowing direct connections between producers and consumers of local food and agricultural products. *
Which EC committee would you be most interested in serving? *
Who recommended that you apply to serve on the AFM EC?
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