SmartBus feedback survey for teachers and parents 
Your students/child recently took part in a SmartBus session, and we would be interested in hearing from you about the session and/or its impact. Your feedback will help shape future internet safety programmes.
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1. In which town and country did your students/child attend the session?

2. Age of your students/child *
3. Is this the first session on internet safety that your class/child has attended? *
4. What are the key messages they spoke about after the session?
5. Which part of the session did they enjoy the most?
6. Which part did they find most difficult?
7. Has the session and any follow-up activities modified their attitudes in any way?
8. Did you, as teacher or parent, learn anything useful from the session? *
9. Did your students/child find the Compass survey interesting? *
10. Did they discuss their profile or the tips after the session? *
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