Alchemist Guild for the CTO
By filling out this information you agree to share it with Underjord AB where it will be processed in service of your application for membership. The information will then be retained for historical record. If you want it deleted contact and we will take care of it.

Before submitting, read the rules that the community operates under:

The form data is stored with Google in their Google Forms product. Make of that what you will, you have been informed.

If your information makes sense we will contact you with the proper registration where you can pay the fee and get access. This whole process is currently manual, so do expect it to take a day or two.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full name *
Email *
Company / Organisation *
Role *
"Evidence" *
Some indication of the truth of your current status as a technical leader and that your company uses Elixir.

Examples (other things can work too):
  • Referral (note which member recommended you).
  • LinkedIn profile showing your role at the company.
  • Witness willing to confirm it that I have reason to believe :)
  • Your info on the website.
  • Case study of your use of Elixir.
  • A published interview.
  • A job posting your company has put out.
If you do not have a way to do this, write more about your situation below and we can figure something out.
Please note your agreement to the rules.
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