Application to serve as Mentor
Thank you so much for nominating yourself as a mentor. Please note, that participation in this program is based on the needs of our mentee regions. If we do not need you at this present time, we will keep your information in our database. Please expect a response from us in 10 business days. Thank you for taking this initiative and we look forward to growing the mentorship program.
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What is your last name? *
What is your first name? *
Email: *
Years of formal, district-contracted, full-time teaching experience: *
Which of the following levels are you currently working with? (Please choose all that are applicable) *
Areas of current experience: (please choose all that are applicable) *
My current teaching environment is best described as: *
In which region of the country are you located? *
Do you have previous experience as a mentor? (Please note that previous experience is not required!) *
What is the name of your school (including HS, MS, Elem, University)? *
What is the name of your school district? (Please include district #) *
What type of degree(s) and/or certifications do you hold? *
Which categories describe your top three strengths? *
As a mentor, what would be the most effective way for you to give feedback? (please check all that apply) *
Do you have experience with video conferencing services such as: FaceTime, Skype, or Google Hangouts? *
Scheduling: Please choose all that apply. *
Where did you hear about the Title 1 Mentorship Program? *
Additional Comments:
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