Is this your first semester as a graduate student at NMSU?
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Which of the following assistantship positions do you currently hold?
What is your combined total FTE from all assistantships that you hold?
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What is your total monthly income from your assistantship(s)?
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How much student loan debt are you currently carrying?
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Do you rely on any of the following sources of income to supplement what you earn from your assistantship(s)?Please check all that apply.
Do you support any of the following people with income from your assistantship(s)? Please check all that apply.
What would a living wage mean to you and your family? For reference, a living wage for our county (Doña Ana) is $33,000 annually for an adult with no children and $66,680 annually for an adult with one child. Click here to see the living wage calculator.
Your answer
We will be returning to the bargaining table with the administration to negotiate a pay raise this semester. What is the lowest raise that you would vote for in a settlement? The dollar amounts following the percentages are based on a net paycheck of $1,000. Use this calculator to figure out what each percent raise would be for your income.