Get to know your child
Welcome to the Banana Art Club! The purpose of this form is to get to know a little more about your expectation of the art class and recommend the best class that suits your need.

Your response is very important to us, together WE make a team to bring out the best in your child.
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Please take one minute to answer the following questions.

What is the name & age of your children? *
Why do you want to send your children to Art class?
( can choose more than one option)
What kind of art class are you looking for? (Optional)
(Choose 1 OR a mix of 2 below)
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Have your children attended another art class? *
Why did he/she quit the previous art class? *
Is there any important things that we should know about your children?
How can I get back to you? *
Thank you very much for your time!  We will be in touch for a class recommendation!
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