ARC Team Sign-Up

Thank you for your interest in joining my ARC Team! Please read my rules below. If you are still interested in reviewing my books, I will be happy to provide you with books, free of charge, in exchange for your review.

Here is how it works:

Honest reviews only: I only want honest reviews. I write two different genres: romantic suspense and historical romance. Both genres contain a mix of action, suspense, danger, and typically a slow-burn romance. My books contain explicit material including sexual content and language. If you discover my books are not for you, please let me know and I will remove you from my ARC Team.

Reviews: Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble are all places where a review can be left. A tagline (or headline) is required for the review, a star rating and at least 20 words. ** For any book that has not been published, please do not include spoilers in your review. Just a reminder, a 5-star rating is the highest rating, meaning you enjoying the book, while 1 star is the lowest rating. If you have an account on iBooks, GooglePlay or Kobo, reviews in any of these would be appreciated, too!

FTC Disclosure: If you have received a free book through my ARC Team, these books are required by the FTC to disclose at the end of the review: "I received a free review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review." Please make sure to include this at the end of your review.

Deadline: I require a review to be posted within 15 days of receiving your Advance Reader Copy. Once your review has been posted, send the link to your review to me at Any reviewers who don't comply with this will be removed from my team for future consideration.

Communications: Members of my ARC Team are limited. If you are accepted, I will send you an email of your acceptance. In addition, I will let you know at least a week before I send your the Advance Reader Copy. Life gets busy. If you are unable to post a review by the required time frame, please reach out to me at before the book is sent.  In addition, you may receive additional communications from me to check in with you periodically. You may opt out of the team at any time.

I hope you will join my ARC Team!

To sign up for my ARC Team, please fill out this form. If you are accepted, you will receive an email notification.
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