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Defender Application - TooManyGames 2024
This application is for anyone who would like to be a Defender at TooManyGames 2024.
All Applicants must be 18 years of age or older.
All Applicants will be contacted with a confirmation of receipt e-mail within two weeks of submitting your application. Further instructions will follow in that e-mail.
Even if you have be a Defender for past shows, you still must fill out this application again for updated emergency contact information and show availability.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Legal First and Last Name
Your answer
Preferred Name
Your answer
E-mail Address
Your answer
Your Best Contact Phone Number
Your answer
Emergency Name and Contact Phone Number
Someone we can contact for you in the event of an emergency throughout the convention days.
Your answer
Date of Birth
Home Street Address
Street, City, State and Zip Code
Your answer
Discord Handle or Facebook Profile URL
All Defenders must have a Discord or Facebook profile in order to join our communication groups for updates throughout the show. We update both platforms regularly.
Your answer
Have you worked other conventions before?
Let us know if you have worked as a volunteer, staff or vendor for any other conventions.
Please select your Defender Tier
The description for each tier and rewards can be found out on our website under the Defender tab. These hours can be fulfilled over the course of six days - Tuesday through Sunday.
Tier 1 (4-12 Hours)
Tier 2 (13-23 Hours)
Tier 3 (24+ Hours) - Hotel Room eligible for returning Defenders - must be within the last 5 years.
Bonus Tier (Clean up shift on Sunday evening from 5 PM to 10 PM, will receive a gift card at end)
Please select your shift availability based on the tier level you selected above. You may select as many as you wish or simply check the last box - that you are available for all times/days of the convention
I am available for all times and days listed below
Tuesday 6/25/24: Set-up (Approx.12 PM to 5 PM)
Wednesday 6/26/24: Set-up (Approx. 10 AM to 6 PM)
Thursday 6/27/24: Set-up (Approx. 10 AM to 6 PM)
Friday Morning 6/28/24: 10 AM to 2 PM
Friday Afternoon 6/28/24: 2 PM to 6 PM
Friday Evening 6/28/24: 6 PM to 10 PM
Saturday Morning 6/29/24: 10 AM to 2 PM
Saturday Afternoon 6/29/24: 2 PM to 6 PM
Saturday Evening 6/29/24: 6 PM to 10 PM
Sunday Morning 6/30/24: 10 AM to 2 PM
Sunday Afternoon 6/30/24: 2 PM to 5 PM
Sunday Evening Breakdown 6/30/24 Bonus Shift: 5 PM to 10 PM
Please select the top 2 departments that you wish to be a Defender in at TooManyGames 2024
Department choices are
not guaranteed
but we will try our best to put you where you are interested in learning more about the show.
AV/Panels (must have relevant experience or have worked previously in this department)
Badge Check
Guest Handler (must have worked TMG 2022 or 2023 in this department or have a referral from a current Department Head, no exceptions).
Help Desk
Put Me Anywhere
Registration / Merchandise
Security (must have relevant experience)
Special Events (Indie Game Showcase, Final Boss event, etc.)
Tabletop (Very Limited Availability)
Please describe any relevant convention experience you may have to support your department choice above:
Your answer
Why do you want to be a Defender at TooManyGames?
Your answer
What is your T-Shirt Size?
Anything else you would like us to know?
Your answer
Did anyone refer you to us? Please list their first and last name.
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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