Freelance Solidarity Project • General Info Session RSVP
Are you a freelancer inspired by recent labor activism in media, or troubled by the most recent round of layoffs and closures? Interested in learning more about organizing alongside your fellow freelance media workers for a more sustainable and equitable media industry?

Join the Freelance Solidarity Project, a division of the National Writers Union, for our next quarterly general info session:

Tuesday, January 28, 2025
7:30pm ET on Zoom

A Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the meeting.
You must RSVP by noon Tuesday, January 28 to get the link.

Everyone is welcome to attend the info session, whether or not they are a freelancerFreelancers across all media—not only writers!—can join FSP-NWU.

Questions? Check out this one-pager about FSP-NWU's work, or email

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How did you hear about FSP-NWU?
How did you hear about the General Info Session?
Are there any particular freelance labor issues that you want us to discuss?
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